Monday, 30 June 2014

Advice: So crucial to establishing top notch habitats.

Sue Everett - outstanding in her field!

Take good advice and outstanding flower habitats can be created.
I attended an event last week that was delivered by Sue Everett of Flora Locale on behalf of the Winning Ways for Wildlife project and the North Wessex Downs AONB.

If you are interested in planting wild flowers and want to know how to do it properly, then you really should visit the Flora locale website  which has a wealth of information on establishing wild flowers.

The morning once again reminded me of the importance of good advice and Sue has plenty of down to earth practical advice to pass on to those who are interested in “getting it right”. 

Believe you me, if you are prepared to put some effort in, then the creation of wild flower areas is perfectly possible, but if you think it is just a case of scattering a bit of seed around and you will have years of colourful flowers to look forward to – then dream on!!!

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