Monday, 3 August 2015

A Game Fair catch up!

I have just spent a couple of days at the three day Game Fair, which this year was held in the glorious surroundings of Harewood house in Yorkshire, owned by David and Diane Lascelles, Earl and Countess of Harewood.

The GWCT always has a large stand at Game Fair as it gives us a great opportunity to meet our members and hopefully make a few new ones! The stand is always busy with people asking questions and finding out about our research work, while others come to have a good chat and renew acquaintances. It is also a focal point to aim for when the tummy starts to rumble, as we have a large catering area where you can have a jolly good breakfast or lunch and relax and chat with like minded folk.

When you have worked in the agricultural, sporting and conservation world for as long as I have, I suppose it should not really come as a surprise as to how many people I have got to know over the years, but still it never ceases to amaze me just how many familiar faces walk onto the stand! It is a wonderful way of catching up on the latest news in the countryside, a snapshot of what is occurring out there and of course meeting up with good friends. However, it comes at a cost - after two long days my voice was deep and croaky as a result of far too much nattering!

Among the many highlights during the three days, we awarded the GWCT’s Julian Gardner photo competition trophy to the overall winner of the adult competition – a wonderful picture of an Osprey. The junior winner who lived on the Isle of Man and unfortunately could not make the event, so we will  award this trophy at a later date. I will post pictures of the junior winner on this site at a later date.

I have put up a few photos below for you to get a feel of the event, so that if you have never been to a Game Fair, you might make a note in the diary that it is being held at Ragley Hall on the 29th – 31st of July next year. If you do go, come and say hello! 

6.30am - the Fair begins to wake up - Harewood house in the background

Part of the GWCT's huge stand

The GWCT's catering area is always hugely popular - time to rest weary legs and refuel!

Owen Williams (well known wildlife artist) and GWCT CEO Teresa Dent, present the Julian Gardner photographic trophy to the winner Bill Doherty

This stunning photograph of an Osprey by Bill Doherty was the pick of over six hundred entries this year! 

We always have time for a little fun - Head of GWCT research, Professor Nick Sotherton shares a light moment with two
research students!

It is true you know - in Yorkshire, even dogs wear flat caps!

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