Many dogs love a swim!
So, what are
the alternatives to using pesticides for the treatment of fleas and ticks? This
is some advice I have found on-line:
Vacuuming is
highly effective at removing fleas in any life stage from their favourite
haunts: carpets, cushioned furniture, floor cracks and crevices, and pet play
structures. Because vacuuming collects fleas but does not kill them, put some
tape over the end of the vacuum cleaner hose to prevent fleas
escaping from the bag, or transfer the bag to an outdoor waste bin.
Hot, soapy
water acts as an effective means to kill fleas in all life stages with no
health risk to pets or people. Wash pet bedding weekly to treat an
infestation. Whenever you are handling
pet bedding that may contain flea eggs, fold it up carefully so the eggs do not
fall out of the bedding and land on the floor or furniture.
Flea combs
are made to remove adult fleas, flea dirt, and dried blood from your pet’s skin
and fur. They are highly effective, and pets often enjoy the process. Focus on
head and neck but groom your whole pet if possible. Pull the fleas out of the
comb and drop them into soapy water before they have a chance to jump away.
During active flea infestations, grooming twice daily may be needed; otherwise,
several times per week just to check for fleas.
A thorough
bath using regular pet shampoo and hot water, kills adult fleas as effectively
as flea shampoos and dips that contain pesticides and is safer for you and your
pet. Before you fill the tub, start by putting a ring of concentrated
soap around your pet’s neck, so they cannot escape from the bath water by
crawling onto the pet’s head. Cats prefer grooming to baths, but for dogs or
long-haired cats, bathing is a superior control technique.
Finally, ask
your vet about oral medications for fleas. In general, oral medications are
preferable to spot treatments or flea collars. And do not treat your cat, or
any dog that lives with a cat, with any pyrethroid or pyrethrin compound as
they are extremely toxic to felines.
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